The IHSGB Ltd says a HUGE thank you, and Goodbye to its’ newsletter editor Mo Hall. Under her editorial ship the magazine has been a fun and educational read and we are truly grateful to her for her time and commitment over the last few years.
We have mentioned before the new Data Protection legislation that is coming into force in May of this year. Given this the Society has had to review how it uses and shares its membership data. One consequence of this is that we need to formalise the process of the distribution of Sleipnir, the official publication of the IHSGB. Sleipnir is an exclusive benefit for members and also carries notices/information etc. about the more formal business of the organisation.
With the proposed changes – due to the IHSGB having to take a more hands on approach in enabling the publication – Mo has decided to step away as Editor and she will be sorely missed.
So a thank you to Mo and we look forward to working with the next inspiring, or aspiring editor. If you feel this is of interest, please contact Jem or Karen on for more information about what we need from you as editor and how you would fit this role. The printing and distribution will no longer form part of the role but we need your editorial skills, time and enthusiasm!