It has been a difficult few weeks for many of us thanks to the impact of Covid 19 restrictions on our lives and also led to the cancelation of non-virtual equestrian events and training across the UK. The IHSGB March 2020 photo competition, in honour of the Day of the Icelandic Horse on 1st May 2020, remained unaffected and certainly captured the imagination of budding photographers and breed enthusiasts alike.
The challenge was to capture what the Icelandic Horse means to you, in a photograph. This gave a broad remit for IHSGB members to express what they most value in the Icelandic breed and an opportunity for their photographs to be included in Sleipnir and IHSGB promotional materials. Participants could submit as many entries as they wished and with more than 70 entries, all very different in character, our judge was certainly spoilt for choice! Our thanks go to all those who supported the competition by submitting entries.
Here our winning entries and the runners up:
Best front cover photo

Fury friends

Best horse portrait

Best horse in landscape

Horses together

Judges favourite

Arts and crafters – start planning for the next competition coming in the second half of 2020! Next time we’ll be looking for pieces inspired by the Icelandic horse using any medium.