Well tomorrow is the day we, normally, have to say goodbye to some of you. Membership subs were due on the 1st August, we have reminded those who have not yet paid several times but, on the 1st November, 3/12ths after the due date, we need to remove you from our mailing lists. Your membership lapses, as does your access to the Facebook Forum, World Fengur, the website members’ area, future editions of Sleipnir, member discounts etc etc…. we do not want to lose you!
Please contact ‘H’ on membership to check whether you have paid!
HOWEVER, we know this year is pretty tough for many of us so the Board have agreed an extension of the discretionary period before GDPR signals a final cut off of communication. This will be confirmed at the Trustees’ meeting on 7th November but the proposal is currently to keep communication channels open until 31st December. Memberships can be renewed by direct bank transfers, by standing order, cheque or Paypal – again chat with ‘H’ so you can set up payments into the future.
With the AGM coming up your vote is only valid if you are a paid up member. Competitions and Challenge Cup entries too are for Members. So please take this as another heads up and we hope you are able to continue being a member of the Society, supporting the breed in the UK!
Thank you!