Who you are and location: H (Hilary, if I have to be!) Ashford, Membership Administrator, South Devon

• Your occupation: Was a sail training vessel skipper, then admin in a maritime security office examining for a Maritime and Coastguard agency course. Now semi-retired.
• How long you have been riding: 14 years
• How you became interested and involved with Icelandic horses: Friend Debbie Ede
• Your horses. Past and present. Lotta frá Sandhólaferju 28 retired & Óskadís frá Kópareykjum, 21, imported 7 years ago and a gem.
• What you most enjoy doing with your horses: Hacking, (I’m trying to get her to like working in a school!)
• Any goals/ambitions you have:To ride better & to do Óskadís justice.
• What other interests you have: I don’t seem to have any spare energy to do anything else apart from horses.