Who you are and location: I am Martine Bye-Duke, my role within the Society is Chairperson. I live on the Norfolk/Cambridgeshire borders (not far from Kings Lynn). On the outskirts of a small village with views across the Fens. My horses live at home on our small farm.

Your Occupation: My career has been in Science and Education. I started my move into education in 1996. I made a big decision in 2021 to leave teaching and become a full time equestrian/farmer (and so much more). This gave me the opportunity to give back to the society, as the demands of teaching would never allow it.
How long you have been riding: I have been a rider since my teens (late to riding by some people’s reckoning). Growing up in East London riding was not readily available as a recreational activity. I did learn to ride in Epping Forest on the sandy tracks.
How you became interested and involved with Icelandic Horses: I think it was 2004, that I first saw a demonstration at HOYS of Icelandic Horses. I was curious and thought one day I would like to travel to Iceland and experience these amazing little horses. A riding holiday to Iceland was booked. Upon my return, I started thinking about the possibilities of perhaps buying one, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine owning more than one or becoming involved within the Society.
Your Horses-Past and Present: When I moved to North Essex in the 80’s I was able to own my own horse. Cess better known as Cess pit, at every opportunity he would drop his shoulder and buck. A cob type 14.2′, he taught me many things. Fonzie, was a backup ride owned by a friend that found him scary to ride. He was just a forward going jumping pony. Minstrel 15’2. affiliated jumper, amazing ride loaned to me. Harvey was a young 5-year-old man of around 16′.0, lightly broken. He was an experience. Echo, a ballerina 15”2 fine cob type mare, she loved waiving her back legs up in the air whilst cantering. Kilmore, arriving from Ireland my mad 6-year-old 16’1. Irish Sport horse. We grew together; she lived out her years with us until last summer achieving 30 years of age. Bauble, a grandson of Nijinsky the famous thoroughbred racehorse. A cold backed type, the vet described as having ‘brain flatulence”. Not a ride for the faint hearted. Luke a 16’3 Hungarian Warmblood, a strange character, he went to Sweden to be loved by a young lady. Millie, a shire x Cob, home produced by Harriet. A very wide ride for me, but beautiful for groundwork. Living her retirement at home with us. Duke was a 14” 2 Morgan, he was entrusted to me whilst my dear friend went through chemo & a divorce. Duke was a gentleman and lived out his days with us. Marquis is my British Spotted 8”1 hand stallion, still with us at 17 years old. Amira is my 7’1 hand miniature coloured Shetland. Still with us at 17 years old. Lois was my first Icelandic horse, sadly I lost her suddenly last year. Maistjarna (jointly owned with my daughter), she was giving an education of anything equestrian. She has become a lovely lady and has been sold back to her breeder. Skati. my Icelandic Stallion, I was looking for a mare or gelding, but who knew that he would be so lovely.
What you most enjoy doing with your horses: I have experienced and enjoyed a variety of activities across various disciplines over the years with various horses. I really enjoy working with the horses building our relationship either on the ground or in the saddle. I love attending training sessions and clinics, coming home feeling enthused with the homework given. I look forward to attending non-specific Icey activities and people showing an interest in the breed and the compliments paid regarding their versatility, and good behaviour.
Any goals/ambitions you have: to be the best handler/rider I can be to benefit my horse. Developing my riding skills to support my goal.

What other interests you have (assuming there is any time left in your life!):
We all must juggle life in a busy world. I am also a wife, a mother, a stepmother and step-grandmother. I have one daughter, Harriet that many of you know.
Any free time is for dabbling in the world of crafts, supporting local events where possible, researching our family tree, spending time with my dogs attending the occasional fun dog show and trying to stay in contact with family and close friends.