Big News 👀… the 2024 National Ranking Results are in, and our very own Skreppa is the fastest Icelandic Horse in the U.S.A.!! 🇺🇸
This incredible mare burned up the track this year with a speedy time of 8.21 seconds in the 100m pace sprint 🔥… FASTEST Officially Recorded time in the history of our country (as far as we could find)!! And this is only our first year 😎
It has always been a dream of ours to own and train a horse like Skreppa. These pace horses are one of a kind. While Skreppa certainly knows to turn on the heat at the pace track, she is an extremely solid, quiet lesson horse in the arena and on trails… A testament to the true versatility of our amazing breed ❤️ when developed and trained correctly, their mental flexibility can be pretty remarkable.
Come watch us pace at the Spring Gamankeppni!! May 10-11 in Crestwood, KY 🤩 click here for more info about our show: