We are pleased to announce the details for the Helmut Bramesfield course on 8-9th December.
Course location: The course will take place in the Bristol area. We have 2 options depending on the weather.
Good weather option:
Friday or early Saturday morning – Arrival at Breach House, Breach, Clutton BS39 5QR. The horses will be accommodated in the field. Please bring your own electric fence, water buckets and food for your horse. If you arrive late on Friday, we can perhaps build a paddock for you so that you don’t have to do it in the dark (please get in touch with breeding@ihsgb.co.uk to discuss).
Saturday morning will consist of Theory (approx. 2 hours) followed by a live demonstration by Helmut with one of the horses in order to demonstrate what we should work on. Lunch (included in the course fee) will be followed by practical work during the afternoon with our horses in a nearby (5 – 10 minutes walk) outdoor school. In the evening there will be a get together at Breach House for a Takeaway dinner (payable) and Q&A with Helmut.
Sunday morning and afternoon will consist of practical work with the horses in small groups, lunchtime we will go to a local pub and have another theory lesson with Helmut.
Bad weather option:
If the weather doesn’t allow working in the outdoor school, we will use a riding hall approx. 30 minutes away (Vale Hollow Farm in West Harptree). We might be able to stable the horses there, but we can only confirm it closer to the course date. We would still stay at Breach House for the meals and get together and theory lessons, but we would use a pub very close to Vale Hollow Farm for our Sunday lunch.
There is currently one bedroom with a double bed available at Breach House. Freija has also kindly offered accommodation at her house – please get in touch to see if we can help with accommodation. Otherwise here are some links for you:
www.theholliesbristol.co.uk in Pensford approx. 5 mins by car
www.conygrebungalow.co.uk in Timsbury approx. 5 mins by car
www.Airbnb.co.uk different places within 10 to 15 mins. by car
Food and Drink:
Saturday lunch is included in the course price, for Saturday evening we can order in some takeaway and on Sunday we will go to the pub for lunch. Takeaway and pub lunch are not included in the price. Please bring your drinks with you. If you have special dietary requirements, please get in touch to discuss.
Course cost:
We have tried to keep the cost as low as possible and as informed before, the price per person participating with a horse, is £170. IHSGB members might receive a small discount (tbc). Spectators pay GBP 30 per day. Normally the Helmut courses cost approx. £220 with horse (plus extras), so this is truly a special price.
Please email breeding@ihsgb.co.uk if you’d like to go on the waiting list or to discuss spectating. We will collect a deposit of £100 per person if you secure a place (those with horses). If you have any questions, please get in touch.
We look forward to seeing you there!