FEIF YouthCup 2024 – Sunday
Sunday saw the actual start everything: first a great presentation by Jean-Paul Balz, president of FEIF and also an international Sport judge, focused on the tests and what the judges…
Sunday saw the actual start everything: first a great presentation by Jean-Paul Balz, president of FEIF and also an international Sport judge, focused on the tests and what the judges…
Just in case you didn’t know, we are Icelandic horses. 🩷 Source
The first day was filled with expectations: the organisers in Switzerland expecting the arrival of the participants and their horses, the Team Leaders waiting to meet their team members with…
Join us at Wången (https://www.wangen.se) for an interesting education seminar on the subject “Harmony before performance” from October 17 – 18, 2024! The keynote speaker of the seminar will be…
Preparations for the 2024 FEIF Youth Cup are in full swing. This year’s event is hosted by Switzerland on the tracks in Münsingen. On July 13th, 60 young riders aged…
With the beginning of Landsmót, the FEIF Virtual Ride “To Fákur and Fast” has come to an end. Last August, ca 80 riders from all over the world started to…
Vom Tölten zum Kraulen: Iris’ Bodensee-Weltrekord – What happens when a lifelong 🇮🇸 Icelandic-horse rider also falls in love with long-distance 🏊♀️ swimming? Might as well capture a 🏆 World…
Congratulations to Martha Coward for guessing the most hidden horseshoes in the last Sleipnir! Source
The Danish rider Hannah Klein Tesselinjk is suspended from participation in any event with Icelandic horses in any country from June 24 until July 7, 2024 (included). The reason is…
The results for the IHSGB Annual Show and British Championships are now available.