Equine Influenza Outbreak

…Animal Health Trust website for overall advice, precautions and updates. Yesterday, the AHT released this statement, found at https://www.aht.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Equiflunet-update-10-02-19.pdf, and this morning it was announced by the British Horseracing Authority…

Facebook and Members’ Forum

Keep up-to-date with latest GB and International News, and beautiful Icelandic Horse photos on https://www.facebook.com/IHSGB/. If you are a member of IHSGB you can access the Members Forum at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ihsgbmembersforum/…

Over to Oirschot

…ridden from your home to Oirschot on the FEIF website at https://www.feif.org/leisure-riding-dept/virtual-ride/ and report the distance ridden each month. The distance to Oirschot can be determined e.g. via distance.to or…