Equine Influenza Outbreak

…Animal Health Trust website for overall advice, precautions and updates. Yesterday, the AHT released this statement, found at https://www.aht.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Equiflunet-update-10-02-19.pdf, and this morning it was announced by the British Horseracing Authority…

Facebook and Members’ Forum

Keep up-to-date with latest GB and International News, and beautiful Icelandic Horse photos on https://www.facebook.com/IHSGB/. If you are a member of IHSGB you can access the Members Forum at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ihsgbmembersforum/…

Over to Oirschot

…ridden from your home to Oirschot on the FEIF website at https://www.feif.org/leisure-riding-dept/virtual-ride/ and report the distance ridden each month. The distance to Oirschot can be determined e.g. via distance.to or…

IHSGB Training Bursary

…available online through the Members Area of the website.) Bursaries will be awarded in year in the order of date of application until the spend cap is reached when o/s…