Did you know….? | FEIF

…https://www.feif.org/sport-dept/worldranking-statistics/ At 43 International Breeding Shows in 10 different FEIF countries, 495 stallions and 960 mares were fully assessed. https://www.feif.org/feif/facts-figures/?item=BreedingShows All FEIF International Sport Judges at WorldRanking events can nominate…

Education 2022

…Wales and Oxon/Bucks. Following the success of the courses, we have repeated the opportunity every year since. The courses will be for courses will be for 8-10 people. The lessons…

FEIF Facts and Figures 2022

…with the purpose to contribute to the development of the international Icelandic horse scene. Since then, several data on each member country have been published on the FEIF website: https://www.feif.org/feif/facts-figures/…