Equine Influenza Outbreak

…Animal Health Trust website for overall advice, precautions and updates. Yesterday, the AHT released this statement, found at https://www.aht.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Equiflunet-update-10-02-19.pdf, and this morning it was announced by the British Horseracing Authority…

Over to Oirschot

…and heads towards the Icelandic Horse World Championships 2023 in the Netherlands in Oirschot. How can you participate? Participation is very simple. You register yourself and the distance to be…

Youth Awards

14th November 2021 – 31st October 2022 The aim of the IHSGB Youth Awards is to recognise and encourage youth members who participate in Icelandic Horse related events and activities,…

World Toelt

…follow the action here… https://live.videotool.dk/worldtoelt For a live stream of current results as they happen see https://spexmac.dk/WT/index.html You can now read the magazine from the World Toelt online at https://2013.worldtolt.dk/index.php/nyheder/427-laes-world-toelt-mgazine-2014-online-read-the-wt-magazine-online